Open Mic

The word Perilous has a sense of trepidation about it, it also feels kinda exciting. It seemed a natural progression to take Perilous Reading out into the real world.

We have poets, writers, philosophers, singers, sometimes we get a quiz. Performance isn’t mandatory, you can also come along and listen.

Sessions include:

  • NOVEL FORMS exploring ways of writing that fall outside what would normally be considered creative writing
  • WILD WRITING unexpected prompts
  • DRABBLES 100 words and 3 compulsory words

Having said that, we are ever evolving – I don’t like people to get too comfortable.

Any ‘locals’ that would like to come along, we meet at 7pm on the second Tuesday of every month at the Stallards Inn, Stallard Street, Trowbridge. Everyone welcome. There’s no fee and no style limitations.

Once you free your mind about a concept of music and harmony being correct, you can do whatever you want

 Giorgio Moroder

Any questions email: