Peril and Performance

When I handed this blog over to the unpredictability of TPRS I had no idea where it would go. But, the diversity and depth of talent here on WordPress kills me every day. You push me, reading your work makes me a better writer, you see things that are far deeper than the salt and pepper of my insomniac seasonings and you are creative beyond understanding. Goddamn it, you guys are just bloody awesome.

For that reason alone TPRS will continue to delve into the safety pin sidelines, but it’s also taking a new direction. On May 18th 1897, DRACULA was published for the first time. It’s hard to fathom a world without this book or indeed the mind that created it. To celebrate his genius and in collaboration with SHE coffee lounge, TPRS is holding an Open Mic Night in Trowbridge, Wiltshire.

TPRS open mic draft

This is a One Night Only event, but will become something else, depending on the direction it wants to go. It’s a small world and our thoughts are limitless.

Any of you guys who live close by, please bring your ears, voices, poetry, prose, flash and most of all your delightful company.
Email: or use the Contact link through WP and I’ll shout out directions, book you a slot and probably stop talking long enough to buy you coffee.
Anyone who can’t make it but would like to contribute, send your words to the above email and, time permitting, they’ll be represented in true and wildly theatrical TPRS style. Anything submitted* will be included in the next Newsletter and subsequent blogs.

Thanks for everything you do here. Wish us luck,

*Submissions: keep in mind that this is a public event and I blush way too easily. Please don’t send anything with adult content.